Again, I am referring to the use I see, by feminist advocates, of the notion toxic masculinity. Which would be much more impressive if there was consideration of the possibility of toxic femininty. The intent is clearly to create a category where any element of masculine behaviour women may not like can be labelled “toxic”.
A general pattern, obvious in any school yard, is that boys form teams and girls form cliques. (Low aggreeabilty and neuroticism girls may join the teams, high aggreeability and neuroticism boys may join the cliques, but the basic pattern has a lot of biological and social evolution behind it.)
Teams have lots of banter, because it is a way of mutual testing—can I trust you? Will you stand up to pressure? Can you separate the shit I say from me? Etc. Construing that banter (which can be aggressive, rude, irreverent, etc) as “toxic masculinity” misses the point.
Conversely, a situation where everyone walks on eggshells because of the fear of offending is a situation where there will be little or no building up of trust.