The mode of production concept is not useful. Commerce occurs in almost every complex society. ‘Capitalism’ is just scaled up commerce. Scaled up by expanded capital markets and expanded firm size.
Also, any small or middle-sized business that treats workers as like draft animals won’t be in business long. You are always managing people.
Corporations have management-scale issues that can attenuate that. But nowhere near as badly as the Bolsheviks reviving mass slavery in their labour camps and mass serfdom elsewhere by banning workers changing workplace without management permission. Or using mass starvation to eliminate social groups and fund importing American expertise and machinery.
The income motive is general across all sectors (private, non-profit, government). The profit motive at least has the advantage of encouraging discovery, assembling of resources, their efficient management and minimising of exchange value destruction (loss). Hence every single Marxist regime being forced, sooner or later, to re-allow commerce.